Adding a creature card to 2d6 Dungeon App (stream 223)
In this stream, we are adding a creature card to the 2D6 dungeon App project. Adding all the backend logic to get all creatures from the database, display a list of the creatures, and then display the details of a creature when selected. Thanks to @tbdgamer, who raided us with a party of 15, early in the stream. 📺 - Twitch archive - stream no.223
All the code for this project is available on GitHub: 2d6-dungeon-app -
- @tbdgamer has raided you with a party of 15
Game Results
- @coppersbeard: 0
- @theunoriginaljerk: 0
- @tbdgamer: 0
- @codewithsean: 0
- @lurkydev: 6.34
- @fboucheros: 13.93
- @theclipographer: 28.92
- @undefined_process: 51.31
- @surlydev: 68.88
- @blob12351234123: 69.74
- @codebymistakes: 72.50
- @therealsurlybot: 77.58
- @jeffs_hat_stand: 79.58
- @fredda_the_cat: 93.49
- @groversaurus: 94.94