Working on AzPics does blazor sounds like exiting
In this session, Frank is back on Linux! He is planning the AzPics project work. Try to do a simple “hello word” Blazor app… but things won’t work as expected…
- 0:01:00 - Bonjour, Hi!
- 0:21:00 - Starting AzPics work
- 1:09:00 - Starting Hello word in blazor
- Define basic AzPics
- Step 1
- frontend, backend to view images
- Step 2
- Use Cognitive Services to get metadata
- display metadata
- Step 3
- save metadate about the picture (Storage tables, cosmos ?)
- Step 4
- upload images from UI
- Step 5
- Unitests (as soon possible)
- Step 1
New Followers
- encrypt the files prior to upload. when Google offered crazy space I used rsync to sync folders but encrypted everything first (BrettMillerIT)
- Fontend in blazor
- in Docker?
- Name of folder as Parameters for the Headless version.\
- DevOps Build