
In this live stream session, I will be investigating why our deployment of the Azure Url Shortener is failing. We will first deploy it from the portal, as this method works, then from GitHub. We will extract both ARM templates and compare them to see what is missing. 📺 - Twitch archive - stream no.183



All the code for this project is available on GitHub: azurlshortener -


  • deploy from the azure portal
  • extract ARM template from portal deployment
  • deploy from GitHub
  • extract ARM template from GitHub deployment
  • compare both ARM template to see the differences


00:00:00 Intro
00:00:10 Show & Tell
00:24:20 Deploying from the Azure portal
00:52:48 Extract ARM template from portal deployment
00:55:41 Deploy from GitHub
01:09:03 Extract ARM template from GitHub deployment

Game Results

sorry… none problem with the CeeBee