Jumping back into Azure URL Shortener project, trying to understand why deployment is broken (stream 214)
In this stream, Jumping back to this project to try to understand why the deployment is broken, and hopefully fix it. We will start by testing locally and learn…. learn so much. 📺 - Twitch archive - stream no.214
All the code for this project is available on GitHub: azurlshortener - https://github.com/FBoucher/azurlshortener
- Test locally
- fix what broken
- test in Azure
Game Results
- @surlydev: 0
- @fredda_the_cat: 0
- @undefined_process: 0
- @phrakberg: 0
- @lurkydev: 8.98
- @theclipographer: 9.73
- @therealsurlybot: 14.30
- @jtsom: 15.20
- @jeffs_hat_stand: 17.69
- @fboucheros: 51.09
- @codebymistakes: 65.11
- @hyfss7vxwj: 78.41
- @groversaurus: 81.18
- @theunoriginaljerk: 89.05
- @coppersbeard: 94.88