2020-11-25 - Stream 144 Containerizing CeeBee… our chatbot and Learning how to do that!


In this live stream session, Frank is containerizing the chatbot used during the livestream on Twitch. It’s a Node.js application and the code is in GitHub. We need to have a way to pass a configuration file when we create an instance and a way to get back the stream notes.

📺 - Twitch archive - stream no.144



00:00:00 Intro
00:00:10 Bonjour, Hi!


All the code for this project is available on GitHub: CloudBot - https://github.com/FBoucher/CloudBot


  • find a good tutorial
  • create chatbot container
  • map folder


00:00:12 creating todo 00:10:10 Searching for a tutorial 00:19:40 Start building the DockFile 01:19:33 debugging container 01:44:40 the bot is running!

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Game Results

@hyfss7vxwj: 0 @phrakberg: 0 @groversaurus: 0 @frankisprogramming: 0 @coppersbeard: 0 @theunoriginaljerk: 0 @lurkydev: 0 @tbdgamer: 0 @caanonfodda: 0 @kymphillpotts: 0 @wally_kc: 0 @adrwer7: 0 @jobinpa: 1.08 @codewithsean: 1.42 @codebymistakes: 21.57 @jeffs_hat_stand: 41.59 @undefined_process: 67.87 @surlydev: 71.90 @therealsurlybot: 74.00 @fboucheros: 76.89 @fredda_the_cat: 78.31 @theclipographer: 85.69

Notes/ References / Snippets

  • Tutorial: https://nodejs.org/en/docs/guides/nodejs-docker-webapp/
  • Tutorial: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/containers/quickstart-node
  • docker run -p 3001:3000 -d fboucher/devcloudbot