
In this session, Frank is creating an Azure Logic App to generate a summary. The first step is to create an Azure Container Instance (ACI) from the fboucher/MyClippings-Parser (available on Docker Hub), and to call in passing some file content retrieved from OneDrive. While doing this we learn a few things like how to “play” with those outputs.



  • Update Check Container Instance Status
  • Loop through Notes
  • Call sub-Logic App
    • Extract Tags
    • Extract Category
    • Extract Clean note text


  • Update Check Container Instance Status
  • Change name of test project from MyClipping-Parser.Tests.csproj to MyClippings-Parser.Tests.csproj
  • Fix folders name for project MyClipping-Parser

  • Add Documentation on Git for project MyClipping-Parser
  • Add on Git a how-to use it for project MyClipping-Parser