Stream 117 TinyBlazorAdmin
2020-07-29 - Stream 117 Adding the last bits to TinyBlazorAdmin (.Net Core Blazor wasm)
In this live stream session, Frank is fixing the modal windows and testing all the features of the TinyBlazorAdmin. This project is now up to date with the server side version (included into the Azure Url Shortener project). Next will be the deployment…
📺 - Twitch archive - stream no.117
Stream 116 Cloudbot
2020-07-24 - Stream 116 Learning Node.js for the first time: Creating a virtual Co-Host
In this live stream session, Frank is continuing to build a virtual Co-Host aka Twitch chat bot and also learning Node.js. In this video he was monitoring the new followers to add them in the show notes generated by the CB (the Cloud Bot).
📺 - Twitch archive - stream no.116
00:00:00 Intro 00:00:10 Bonjour, Hi! 00:01:30 Intro to the project Cloud Bot 00:09:10 Fixing display message for stats 00:29:43 Start working on collecting new follower 01:08:10 Fixing the scores display 02:02:51 Wrapping-up
All the code for this project is available on GitHub: CloudBot https://github.com/FBoucher/CloudBot
New Followers
- @grandsinger
- @shadow88a
- @MoNoRHD
- @ploverman
- @antonio_pazp
- @aliceatalla
- @guilherme_montiel
- @mohamezm
- @Skyhoshi
Stream 115 TinyBlazorAdmin
2020-07-22 - Stream 115 Adding all functionalities from previous version into TinyBlazorAdmin website
In this live stream session, Frank is bringing all the functionalities of the previous admin website to manage our short URLs into TinyBlazorAdmin. Everything that was possible with the server version must be possible into the client only one.
📺 - Twitch archive - stream no.115
Stream 114 CloudBot
2020-07-17 - Stream 114 Learning Node.js for the first time (C# dev)
In this live stream session, Frank is working on the serialization and deserialization of the stream session information to a file in Node.js. It was a great stream where we close a few ticket, learn many new things and had a lot of fun.
📺 - Twitch archive - stream no.114
- Youtube(soon)
00:00:00 Intro 00:00:33 Animation 00:00:43 Bonjour, Hi! 00:13:40 Current Status, deciding what's next 00:32:34 Trying to save to file and read from file 01:40:03 Updating Glo Board 01:44:34 Create a more complex class to hold all stream information 02:16:24 Wrapping up
All the code for this project is available on GitHub: Azure Url Shortener - https://github.com/FBoucher/AzUrlShortener
All the code for this project is available on GitHub: Tiny Blazor Admin - https://github.com/FBoucher/TinyBlazorAdmin
- Save to a user scores
- Save to a user scores
- Load & Save to Stream Session
New Followers
New Subscribers
- @bdougieYO has raided you with a party of 5
- @michaelthefrustrateddev: 500 bits
Drop Parachute Highest Score
- @: 70.69
Streams Notes/ Snippets/ Shared urls
- NeDB: https://github.com/louischatriot/nedb
- Fauna:
- Fastify: https://www.fastify.io/
Stream 113 TinyBlazorAdmin
2020-07-15 - Stream 113 Why it’s not working?! Investigating login Azure AD Token with Blazor WebAssembly
In this live stream session, Frank is investigating why the application is crashing after adding the Azure AD login… and the issue was fixed!
📺 - Twitch archive - stream no.113
- Youtube(soon)
00:00:00 Intro 00:00:10 Bonjour, Hi! 00:04:51 Recap current status 00:07:41 Create AAD Service Principal for Blazor App 00:28:04 Trying to login into the App using AAD. 00:55:58 Create AAD Service Principal for the Az Function 01:14:58 Investigating the packages version 02:10:41 Found something... 02:13:20 Found the second thing.... and voila! 02:21:10 Wrapping-up
All the code for this project is available on GitHub: Tiny Blazor Admin - https://github.com/FBoucher/TinyBlazorAdmin
- New Blazor AAD login
- TinyAdmin Blazor AAD login
- Connect securely to azFunction using AAD
- unfinish todos from previous stream
New Followers
New Subscribers
- @ has raided you with a party of
- @: bits
Drop Parachute Highest Score
- @: 70.69
Streams Notes/ Snippets/ Shared urls
- dotnet new blazorwasm -au SingleOrg –client-id “fcf72e46-0a43-48f6-86d5-e0969c146550” -o ToDelete –tenant-id “206bad4c-d071-4c91-9181-ef7047e6590b”
Equivalence: TokenClient = UrlShortenerSecuredService CosmosAuthorizationMessageHandler = AzFuncAuthorizationMessageHandler
Error: AADSTS70011: The provided request must include a ‘scope’ input parameter. The provided value for the input parameter ‘scope’ is not valid. The scope https://tinyadminhmxyp.azurewebsites.netuser_impersonation openid profile is not valid. The scope format is invalid. Scope must be in a valid URI form https://example/scope or a valid Guid <guid/scope>.
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