Stream 107 Learning how to use Blazor WebAssembly with AAD Token
2020-06-24 - Stream 107 Learning how to use a Blazor WebAssembly with Azure AD Token
In this live stream session, Frank is working on improving the security for the Tiny Blazor Admin project. In other words, he is changing the code so the Blazor web assembly (wasm - client side) website will be calling some Azure Function using Azure Active Directory (AAD).
📺 - Twitch archive - stream no.107
- Twitch (for 60 days) âš¡ Summary video:
- Youtube
00:00:00 Intro 00:00:10 Bonjour, Hi! 00:03:44 Plan of the stream 00:10:54 Making sure the App was created the correct way. 00:18:42 Securing the Azure Functions with Azure AD 01:24:57 Configuring Blazor WebAssembly to use the Azure AD Token 02:20:42 Ready to call the function... but no time! 02:22:00 Wrapping up!
All the code for this project is available on GitHub: Azure Url Shortener - https://github.com/FBoucher/TinyBlazorAdmin
- Read a secret or call a function using AAD
- unfinish todos from previous stream
New Followers
New Subscribers
- @ has raided you with a party of
- @copperbeardy: 25 bits
Drop Parachute Highest Score
@: 70.69
- copperbeardy landed for 48.08!
- mreyeros landed for 56.21!
- codewithsean landed for 92.77!
- fredda_the_cat landed for 96.95!
Drop Parachute Highest Score
- copperbeardy landed for 9.24!
Streams Notes/ Snippets/ Shared urls
- dotnet add package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization
- dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Http
- dotnet add package System.Net.Http.Json
- dotnet add package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.HttpClient –version 3.2.0-preview3.20168.3
- https://blog.jeremylikness.com/blog/azure-ad-secured-serverless-cosmosdb-from-blazor-webassembly/
Strean106 Learning JavaScript Building ScoreKeeperTwitch bot omfyJS
2020-06-19 - Strean 106 - Learning JavaScript 😱 Building a Score Keeper Twitch bot with ComfyJS
In this live stream session, Frank is starting a brand new project: CloudBot. The goal is to have a fun and interactive chat bot for the stream and also the perfect pretext to learn JavaScript. We will be using/ learning Comfy.js and Node.js.
📺 - Twitch archive - stream no.106
âš¡ Summary video
Stream 105 Learning Blazor Building TinyAdmin website
2020-06-17 - Stream 105 Learning Blazor WebAssemly- Building a TinyAdmin website
In this live stream session, Frank is creating a sample Blazor Web Assembly (wasm) application to learn how to read a value from an Azure Key Vault. It’s possible…
📺 - Twitch archive - stream no.105
Stream 104 No Idea what Im doing Building Twitch chatbot JavaScript
2020-06-12 - Stream 104-No idea what I’m doing - Building a Twitch chatbot in JavaScript
In this live stream session, Frank is learning ComfyJS a JavaScript framework. Building slowly but surely a Twitch bot. We learn sooo much!
📺 - Twitch archive - stream no.104
- Stream Summary: https://youtu.be/Pyij8iXX1hU
- 00:00:01 - Bonjour, Hi! - 00:05:46 - Goals of the stream - 00:21:00 - Testing all chat message display - 00:30:50 - Testing a command display text bigger - 00:45:20 - Testing a command to display images - 01:33:59 - Ah Ha moment when we understand that Phaser.io was used - 02:09:36 - Many variant to try playing a video with the sound
All the code for this project is available on GitHub: Azure Url Shortener - https://github.com/FBoucher/AzUrlShortener
- Display text by chat
- Display text by commands
- Display images by commands
- Display images by Redeem points
- Command to make viewers fly like super man in the cloud
New Followers
Drop Parachute Highest Score
- @jtsom: landed for 92.60!
- @hyfss7vxwj: landed for 72.41!
- @copperbeardy: landed for 32.84!
Drop Parachute Lowest Score
- @jtsom: 6.01!
- CREATING A TWITCH CHATBOT https://www.codingzeal.com/post/creating-zeal-a-chatbot
- How to Integrate Your Twitch Channel with Twitch Channel Points and Custom Rewards using ComfyJS!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qLXKoyEuLI
- ComfyJS: https://github.com/instafluff/ComfyJS
- http://phaser.io
Stream 103 Adding an Azure Key Vault into project TinyBlazorAdmin
2020-06-10 - Stream 103 Adding an Azure Key Vault into project TinyBlazorAdmin
In this live stream session, Frank is adding an Azure Key Vault do keep the secret in the project Tiny Blazor Admin. This is a Blazor web assembly website that will call some Azure Function. While creating the required resources. we also write some documentation. Then Trying to see if the app was working we try a few things without success.
📺 - Twitch archive - stream no.103
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