
In this live stream session, Frank is working to finish the continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI-CD) solution for the UrlShortener and TinyBlazorAdmin for the DEV environment. Some changes from the AAD cause some hiccups, but everything worked in the end…

📺 - Twitch archive - stream no.155



All the code for this project is available on GitHub: TinyBlazorAdmin -


  • fix deployment of TInyBlazorAdmin
  • Configure AAD for DEV environment
  • Test last build
  • fix missing images in TinyblazorAdmin deployment doc


00:00:00 Intro
00:00:10 Bonjour, Hi!
00:00:16 planning todos
00:17:47 fixing the TInyBlazor deployment
00:46:47 Create AAD App for the Fontend
00:55:43 Create AAD App for the Azure Function
01:02:05 Configure Backend and Frontend to Work Together
01:18:57 testing
02:14:32 check if the fixes works

Game Results