Stream 134 Starting a new project a trivia game
2020-10-16 - Stream 134 Starting a new project - a trivia game
In this live stream session, Frank is joinned by Jason to start a new project: a trivia game. This new project (code name triavia) is for playing online while streaming. It’s in a very early stage and this session was a whiteboard session, noting the ideas for the cloudies.
📺 - Twitch archive - stream no.134
00:00:00 Intro
00:00:10 Bonjour, Hi!
00:30:10 Brainstorm session
01:43:01 realized I didn't do timelog
Game Results
- @marcusvoiceprogrammer: 0
- @jasonhand24: 9.51
- @surlydev: 28.82
- @mreyeros: 46.99
- @smabuk: 60.39
- @thisisdavid: 69.12
- @hyfss7vxwj: 76.95
- @johncallaway: 94.08
- @phrakberg: 97.29
- @fboucheros: 99.35