- Working on 2D6 Dungeon App, let's add a tab for all the tables (stream 241)
- Working on 2D6 Dungeon App, Let's make that map better! (stream 240)
- Oh dear room wizard give me the door I wish! (stream 239)
- Working on 2D6 Dungeon App. Can we add a new Room?! (stream 238)
- Simplifying the deployment NoteBookmark (stream 237)
- Creating new room using wizard process for 2D6 Dungeon-App (stream 236)
- Learning Microsoft Entra ID with Azure Container App (stream 235)
- Upgrading NoteBookmark to .NET 9 and all packages to the latest version (stream 234)
- Let's try to aggregate multiple notes together (stream 233)
- Adding .NET Aspire to 2D6 Dungeon-App (stream 231)
- Refactoring code in Blazor component for 2D6 Dungeon App (stream 230)
- There is something I don't understand about Blazor component event, let's fix that! (stream 228)
- Bugfixes and implementing fatigue in 2D6 Dungeon App (stream 227)
- Quick update about 2D6 Dungeon App (stream 226)
- Adding Tiny dices to make it more fun (stream 225)
- CSS is not my cup of tea, but with patience... (stream 224)
- Adding a creature card to 2d6 Dungeon App (stream 223)
- Starting to build a combat screen for 2d6 Dungeon App (stream 222)
- Remove hardcoded password and adding back magic potions into 2d6 Dungeon App (stream 221)
- Looking at Git Kraken v10 on Linux andd talking 2d6 Dungeon App (stream 220)
- Adding creatures to the 2D6 Dungeon App(stream 219)
- Docker compose up a database + data + api (stream 218)
- When nothing works... Code 18!(stream 217)
- Learning AZD Template by building one (stream 216)
- Learning Bicep by trying to deploy an Azure Function .NET (isolated) (stream 215)
- Jumping back into Azure URL Shortener project, trying to understand why deployment is broken (stream 214)
- Looking at existing cloud dev workshop to see what pieces we could use (stream 213)
- Refactoring CICD - Can we make it 1-click deploy? (stream 210)
- Refactoring the CICD for Url Shortener (stream 209)
- Calling a secured Azure Function from Blazor WASM, yes but...(stream 207)
- Documentation should help us... right? (stream 206)
- Doing some project maintenance and starting a new project (stream 205)
- Exporting Azure DevOps workitems to Microsoft Planner using Power Automate (stream 204)
- Adding OpenAPI definition to AzUrlShortener great start!(stream 203)
- We did it! Adding OpenAPI definition for an isolated Azure Function(stream 202)
- Adding OpenAPI definition to and Azure Function Project: AzUrlShortener (stream 201)
- I want to build a Power Platform Connector, Can I? (stream 200)
- Playing with Codespace Copilot and more - part 2 (stream 199)
- Playing with Codespace Copilot and more (stream 198)
- Learning Azure.Data.Tables library for .NET (stream 196)
- How much stuff can I learn and still make progress .NET 7 minimal API, docker dapr, azure container (stream 195)
- Kicking off 2023! Updating the API to build a Reading Note (stream 194)
- Starting the project Reading Notes - stream 193
- Kanban planning and validating documentation - stream 192
- Migrating the docs into GitHub Wiki - stream 191
- Wrapping up version 3 of TinyBlazorAdmin - stream 190
- Stream 189 - Exploring Azure Static Web App authentication and authorization
- Stream 188 - Between Arrays and Lists who will win?
- Stream 187 - It's time to clean-up the UI and add the Update functionality
- Stream 186 - Adding a schedule for short URLs
- Stream 185 - GitKraken & GitLens Updates and TinyBlazorAdmin
- Stream 182 - Fixing the deployment to Azure for AzUrlShortener
- Stream 181 - Writing doc about how to use Azure Storate Explorer with AzUrlShortener
- Stream 180 - Focus Frank, focus - time to update the doc for AzUrlShortener
- Stream 179 - Let's start AzUrlShortener Upgrade/ update
- Stream 178 - Current status of the URL Shortener
- Stream 176 - Can we secured the AzFunction from inside an Azure Static Web App
- Stream 175 - Exploring Authentication and authorization into the new Azure Static Web App
- Stream 174 - Deleting, Moving, Changing Code; in short a spring cleaning
- Stream 173 - Exploring YouTube Statistics API
- Stream 172 - Updating the deployment experience
- Stream 171 - Oops! I deleted all my OBS scenes
- Stream 170 - We really need to do some clean-up here
- Stream 169 - We need a UI to add schedule to our UrlShortener
- Stream 168 - Adding some UI to edit the Schedules in AzUrlShortener
- Stream 167 - Adding a scheduler to AzUrlShortener
- Stream 166 - One stream Build - Exploring the idea of a scheduler module the URL Shortener
- Stream 165 - Pivoting - Rebooting our Trivia game. Moving from TypeScript to .Net
- Stream 164 - Using Azure Function to automatically backup Azure resources
- Stream 163 - Building a automatic backup for my Azure resources
- Stream 162 - Configuring a Codespace dev environment for our project Triavia
- Stream 161 - Looking at your (aka Cloudies) GitHub PRs
- Stream 160 - Working on project trivia game going meta - Talking game mechanics
- Stream 159 - Package new version for AzUrlShortener and TinyBlazor Admin - GitHUb maintenance
- Stream 158 - Learning Typescript + Nodejs + Azure Function by building a trivia game
- Stream 157 - Let's make the URL Shortener prettier... playing with Blazor Syncfusion
- Stream 156 - Learning Typescript + Nodejs + React by building a trivia game
- Stream 155 - Finishing the CI-CD for the DEV environment
- Stream 154 - Learning Typescript + Nodejs + React by building a trivia game
- Stream 153 - Building a CI/CD for UrlShortener demo from GitHUb to Azure
- Stream 152 - Exploring new SyncFusion Lib with .Net 5 for a Blazor web assembly project
- Stream 151 - First stream of 2021 Let's see what we do
- Stream 150 - Learning Typescript + Nodejs + React by building a trivia game
- Stream 149 - First stream on new PC what's missing?!
- Stream 148 - Learning Typescript + Nodejs + React by building a trivia game
- Stream 147 - Trying GitHub new features and PRs + maintenance on project AzURLShortener
- Stream 146 - Learning how to create & publish our first Typescript + Nodejs + React to Azure...
- Stream 145 - Containerizing project CeeBee... our chatbot and building a CI/CD for it
- Stream 144 Containerizing CloudBot
- Stream 143 Learning typescript
- Stream 142 Learning Syncfusion Blazor UI
- Stream 141 How to setup custom domain AzFunction
- Stream 140 Learning Syncfusion TinyBlazorAdmin
- Stream 139 Learning TypeScript
- Stream 138 AzUrlShortener TinyBlazorAdmin
- Stream 137 Working on Triavia the Trivia game
- Stream 136 Working on project triavia with JasonHand
- Stream 135 GitHub PRs projects maintenance
- Stream 134 Starting a new project a trivia game
- Stream 133 GitHub PRs projects maintenance
- Stream 132 chatbot
- Stream 131 - Adding Clicks Statistics to TinyBlazorAdmin (Url Shortener website)
- Stream 130 - earning Node.js building a chatbot named CeeBee
- Stream 130 GitHubPRs and projects maintenance
- Stream 129 - Testing the new Azure Static Web App (SWA) with the AzUrlShortener
- Stream 128 - Can we generate images in Nodejs for the chatbot?
- Stream 127 - Stream 127 Working on the Chatbot, and planning future features
- Stream 126 - Let's work on the automatic deployment of AzUrlShortener with TinyBlazorAdmin
- Stream 125 - GitHub maintenance, looking at your PR, messages, etc.
- Stream 124 - Learning Node.js for the first time - Building a chatbot
- Stream 123 - Exploring .Net Blazor UI Control (aka Grid & Charts) for TinyBlazorAdmin
- Stream 122 - Learning Node.js for the first time Building a chatbot
- Stream 121 - Working on a auto deployment for Tiny Blazor Admin
- Stream 120 - Celebrating 500 followers - And working on the Chat bot
- Stream 119 TinyBlazorAdmin
- Stream 118 CloudBot
- Stream 117 TinyBlazorAdmin
- Stream 116 Cloudbot
- Stream 115 TinyBlazorAdmin
- Stream 114 CloudBot
- Stream 113 TinyBlazorAdmin
- Stream 112 CloudBot
- Stream 111 Back to TinyBlazorAdmin
- Stream 110 Learning JavaScript Building Twitch chatbot
- Stream 109 Learning Blazor WebAssembly with AAD
- Stream 108 Learning JavaScript Building score keeper Twitch bot
- Stream 107 Learning how to use Blazor WebAssembly with AAD Token
- Strean106 Learning JavaScript Building ScoreKeeperTwitch bot omfyJS
- Stream 105 Learning Blazor Building TinyAdmin website
- Stream 104 No Idea what Im doing Building Twitch chatbot JavaScript
- Stream 103 Adding an Azure Key Vault into project TinyBlazorAdmin
- Stream 102 - Starting Tiny Blazor Admin project (C#, WebAssembly, AAD)
- Stream 101 Lets create a new WebAssembly frontend for AzUrlShortener
- Stream 100 Updating all dependencies of AzUrlShortener Are we ready for v0 5
- Stream 99 AzUrlShortener PR Review, and experimentation for new feature
- Stream 98 - Whats Next with the project Azure Url Shortener
- Stream 97 - Working on the project Azure Url Shortener
- Stream 96 - Working on the project Azure Url Shortener GitHub AzFunction Blazor
- Stream 95 Unscheduled stream Working on project AzUrlShortener
- Stream 94 - Adding Edit feature to AzUrlShortener
- Stream 93 - Working on the Azure Url Shortener
- Stream 92 - AzUrlShortener More Features
- Stream 91 AzUrlShortener 1 click to deploy everything
- Stream 90 AzUrlShortener 1 click to deploy everything
- Working on AzUrlShortener Closing GitHub Issues
- Stream 88 - Building automatic video converterwith Azure Media Services
- Stream 87 - Adding Stats to AzUrlShortener
- Stream 86 - Adding auto deployment docs for that adminwebsite AzUrlShortener
- Adding a Create new ShortUrl to our admin interface AzUrlShortener
- Adding more documentation about admin interfaces into GitHub for project repo azUrlShortener
- Stream 83 - Adding an Azure Function to return all Urls for the budget-friendly Url-Shortener
- Experimenting with Azure Function and .Net Core Blazor ☁
- Building budget Url Shortener Azure Serverless and blazor
- Building a budget Url-Shortener with Azure Serverless and .Net Blazor
- Building budget Url Shortener using Azure Serverless
- Creating Demo and slides
- Creating Demo and slides while testing On the road setup Copy
- Creating material for ARM template tutorial series
- GitHub Action and Unit tests for dotnetcore
- Refactoring Blind2021
- I am learning EF Core
- Trying Yori and Refactoring, Adding Configuration Settings
- We need a data store Use R Vote
- Refactoring ontheroad
- Adding xUnit and refactoring
- Adding save game, loading maps. Project> Blind2021
- Deploying to Azure a website with social login configured from GitHub - Use-R-Vote
- Blind2021-Upgrade and MongoDB
- Project> Use-R-Vote - Adding Social Login to .Net Core WebApp !commands
- Working on the summary generator for our game project- Blind2021 [on the road stream]
- Adding Social Login to the .Net Core Blazor project> Use-R-vote
- Meta-Monday Creating new Intros for Twitch streams
- Blind2021 adding Room Status and more
- Exploring GitHub Actions for deploying to Azure
- New Project Community Vote
- Slobs on the Road configuration
- Reviewing Not a Dog Workshop AspNetCore and Azure AI
- Coding .Net Core on Project Blind2021- Text-based Adventure game - Inventory System
- Azure Subscription Cleaner Auto deployment
- Azure Subscription Cleaner Auto deployment
- Coding Project Dover working on the inventory
- AzSubcriptionCleaner deployment
- starting new game project
- Building ARM template for Azure Subscription Cleaner
- GitHub Azure and Chatting
- Working on a thumbnail... Chat, relax
- Azure Subscription Cleaner Mostly Azure CLI
- Azure Function and GitHub management for AzSubscription Cleaner
- GitHub management for AzSubscription Cleaner
- Working on AzCleanerSubscription - Adding Identity in Azure Function
- Keep Subcription Clean SetUp
- Creating a Tool to keep our Azure Subscription Clean
- Creating a Tool to keep our Azure Subscription Clean
- Creating a Tool to keep our Azure Subscription Clean
- Deploy to Azure with CalvinAllen
- Keep Sub Clean
- Chill Azure Development
- Fixing the On the Road Setup
- Adding Deployment to Not a Dog Workshop
- Adding Deployment to Not a Dog Workshop
- Chill Dev learning Blazor on Linux
- Learning Blazor on Linux (running SDK in Docker)
- Learning Blazor on Linux (running SDK in Docker)
- Lets Learn Blazor dotNet Core on Linux
- PLaying playing with Azure Storage Tables
- Working on AzPics does blazor sounds like exiting
- Adding Deploy to Azure button & ARM template to AzUnzipEverything Azure Function and Blob Storage
- Working on AzUnzipEverything Azure Function and Blob Storage
- Live Coding Azure Function and other projects
- Starting a new project serverless AI
- Live Coding Azure Deploy button and Asp.Net Core StartUp Task
- Lets implement a deploy to Azure button into a GitHub repo
- Live Coding Azure LogicApp for the ReadingNotes project
- Create Azure Logic App to Create ReadingNotes Summary
- Create an Azure LogicApp to write a ReadingNotes Summary
- Bringing the Unit test Results from the Container to Azure Pipeline